Developer Info

  • Developer Spaces are $60

Each Developer Space Includes

  • 3' of table space
  • Two Chairs
  • Two Exhibitor Badges –
  • *Additional badges may be purchased for $10 each.
  • Electricity is FREE for all developers!

Please note that our tables are 12' cafeteria tables

 - These tables cannot be removed or modified.

*Selling or giving away Sac Gamers Expo Developer

Badges to individuals who are not legitimate workers

is against Sac Gamers Expo policy and considered theft. 

To obtain a Developer’s Application please email:

Developer Area Rules:

To apply for a developer’s space for the Sac Gamers Expo, you must be the developer or owner of the material you are demonstrating. You must bring everything you need to demo your game to the public (also please bring an extension cord and surge protector)! Your game can be in any stages of development from beta to 100% complete. It is ok to sell your game, ask people to back you with Kickstarter, Patreon etc. It is ok to sell merchandise that is 100% related to the game that you are demonstrating at the show. Allowing access of adult material to minors is not permitted.

YOU MAY NOT SELL ANYTHING ELSE IN THIS ROOM! Please understand that these tables are sold at a very low cost to help developers get the attention that they need for thier passion of making games. If you would like to sell product as an exhibitor, please contact us for an exhibitor contract.
Developer Area Hours:


  • Setup: 8:00am – 10:50am
  • General Admission: 11am – 6pm


  • Setup: 8:00am – 9:50am
  • General Admission: 10am – 5pm

Developer spaces

available later this year